Common Pesticides Kill Amphibian Parasites, Study Finds, But Like Every Other Organism, Resistance Develops

Common Pesticides Kill Amphibian Parasites, Study Finds, But Like Every Other Organism, Resistance Develops: CATCH THE BUZZ - Common Pesticides Kill Amphibian Parasites, Study Finds, But Like Every Other Organism, Resistance Develops

"A recent study by Jessica Hua, assistant professor of biological sciences at Binghamton University, and colleagues, explored the effects of six commonly used pesticides on two different populations of a widespread parasite of amphibians. They found that a broad range of insecticides commonly used in the U.S. kill amphibian parasites, which could potentially decrease the number of parasites that amphibians must defend against. For the pyrethroid and neonicotinoid pesticides tested in this study, this pattern has not been documented before."

So what's the point in using pesticides when the outcome is to have a worse environment and stronger threats?

Go natural !