Taking Names for Fall/Winter CSA Wait-list

As the end of summer approaches gardens are being cleaned out. Hurricane Issac , while being not as harsh as expected, has put us out of garden duties for a while. Water standing means mud and mud means no air to the roots. But things will eventually dry out and Fall planting will continue.
For now we are putting anyone interested in Fall/winter CSAs on a wait-list. If interested just shoot us an e-mail so we can contact you when things start to roll. You can use buttsbees at v mail(one word) dot me or a gmail at the same name. Leave your name and contact information.

After all this rain be sure to keep an eye peeled for those wonderful fungi! These can be a gourmet delight if you catch it just right.
Sulfur shelf mushroom

Earlier this summer we were quoted in the Mississippi Press. Our 15 minutes of fame! The bees were the subject and mosquitoes were the problem. Seen below is a frame full of capped brood (developing bees), a delight for the beekeeper.

Our CSA offerings change with the weather. Below is a sample. Include are:  
  • scallions
  • 3 types of sprouts
  • bell peppers
  • foraged figs
  • basil 
  • cucumber
  •  3 types tomatoes
  • okra
  • foraged pears
  • pole beans
  • arugula
  • flowers
  • carrots
  • jalapeno peppers
  • crook neck squash
Offerings are about 3-5 pounds and we even been known to add our raw comb honey!
